our ass-kickin’ president…

do as i say not as i do....errr....dont do what i say either, i am just a CEO and cant be trusted. this message has been approved by my board of directors

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I guess I am glad Spike Lee didn’t suggest that Obama should drop a bomb somewhere to beef up his street cred, yo’

Could Robert Gibbs (D-oofus) be any more clueless about how business runs than to suggest CEOs arent the real power in corporations, in defense of why Obama hasn’t talked to the CEO of BP yet?

If so, why has he called in CEOs on the carpet to threaten them over health care and financial reform and bailouts and executive pay?

If CEOs dont really matter and cant be trusted to tell the truth (Obama’s words) then why should we listen to a thing that Obama, our government‘s CEO, says?

Who is HIS board of directors?  Who does he answer to?  Spike Lee, apparently

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