Category: politics

the sharks are circling…

when even Chris Matthews loses the thrill up his leg you know that you’re in trouble if you’re a Democrat incompetence across the board on every major project, healthcare is a disaster, the president is out of touch, even the media is starting to ask the questions that should of been asking five years ago. […]

the engineering approach to problem solving

The hybrid approach you referred to I think reflects the sense of the sociotechnical process. I can’t imagine why people and organizations would not intentionally adopt that as the default position when considering organizational issues, and yet I see people polarizing around either or approach all time in my organization. It seems to me that […]

Round 1

Romney’s pick of Paul Ryan means he is ready to go head-on with the Dims in public debate over ideas;  Since so few dims use ideas to form their judgment, this may have little effect on appealing to the left, but it may serve to inform the few undecideds still left out there. Could there […]

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