Tag: President

Obama’s truthy truths

The writer cant wait to make the point that even though Obama’s story about his mother and her insurance strugglers arent exactly true, the LARGER ISSUES are still pertinent Its truthy without being burdened down by the weight of actual truth. Much like his claim that 80% of the people are in favor of  tax […]

the only surprise is why it took so long to introduce the race card

Sheila Jackson Lee is usually much quicker, maybe she’s just getting tired http://thehill.com/blogs/floor-action/house/171807-sheila-jackson-lee-suggests-congress-complicating-debt-ceiling-because-obama-is-black memories are pretty short apparently when it comes to the disrespect that previous presidents have been shown in difficult negotiations. You’d think that by now politicians would’ve learned to disregard what other people think about them; that doesn’t seem to be one […]

The cost of payback, using GAAP

This is what comes from an effort to divert market energy into central planning schemes designed to reward Democratic constituencies. When the Obama administration releases a report on the Friday before a long weekend, it’s clearly not trying to draw attention to the report’s contents. Sure enough, the “Seventh Quarterly Report” on the economic impact […]

Federal judge gives Obama opportunity to save face over healthcare

Image via Wikipedia The federal judge that ruled Obama’s healthcare plan unconstitutional just saved Obama’s political career by giving them an opportunity to fight a glorious, noble and ultimately losing battle. He’ll be able to save face by showing that he gave his everything, but he won’t have to suffer the consequences of actually implementing […]

Eliot Spitzer on CNN

Image by steve louie via Flickr what a buffoon. Did he run out of hookers to chase? Who thought it was a good idea to give him a microphone …so we can listen to his excellent and reasoned judgment credits Clinton with giving us a budget surplus; blames libertarian economics for the current budget disaster […]

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