Tag: United States

The Challenge of truth telling in the Army profession

http://www.strategicstudiesinstitute.army.mil/pdffiles/PUB1178.pdf If a large organization like the Army which is so renowned for the quality and caliber of its leadership and integrity as difficulties with different levels of command and leaders telling the truth to each other, how much of an unseen force is the lack of candor in commercially-based organizations where there is more […]

No follow-up questions for NBC?

Imagine if this had been a Republican  political candidate. What would the list of follow-up questions have included? Why do you classify this as an error? Was it an error of omission or commission? What is the purpose of editing? Why wasn’t it posted that this was an edited call, in the same way that […]

Making the Invisible Visible: Understanding Leadership Contributions of Asian Minorities in the Workplace

This small quiet book on leadership deserves to become visible so that its message of quiet leadership can be absorbed into our business and political organizations worldwide. Who are the invisible leaders? How do we make them visible? Back up for a moment: SHOULD we MAKE them visible, or is our understanding of leadership in […]

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