SOTU doublespeak. Sad clown is sad.

Seal of the Supreme Court of the United States
Image via Wikipedia

In the same breath, Obama chastises Republicans as the party of “No” while simultaneously calling for a spirit of  bi-partisanship and an end to acrimony.  If he were self aware, he’d see the irony, It is a measure of his disconnectedness that he can make those statements without blinking. Perhaps he is more concerned with the pronounciation and imagery of the speech he reads from the teleprompter, leaving content, meaning and interpretation to others.

More importantly, his hubris in criticizing the Supreme Court (and then mischaracterizing it) is evidence of his unreadiness to lead. Undermining the rule of law and separation of powers is beyond his teleprompter’s understanding apparently.  Sad clown is sad.

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