Federal judge gives Obama opportunity to save face over healthcare

Official presidential portrait of Barack Obama...
Image via Wikipedia

The federal judge that ruled Obama’s healthcare plan unconstitutional just saved Obama’s political career by giving them an opportunity to fight a glorious, noble and ultimately losing battle. He’ll be able to save face by showing that he gave his everything, but he won’t have to suffer the consequences of actually implementing that horrible legislation

The Obama administration’s requirement that most citizens maintain minimum health coverage as part of a broad overhaul of the industry is unconstitutional, a federal judge ruled, striking down the linchpin of the plan.

Meanwhile, Obama gets the opportunity to further enhance his reputation as a streetwise savvy political insider by promising to take on the Republicans next year after he’s already caved this year on his core principles, whatever those are.

maybe the soon-to-be ex-speaker of the house Pelosi will take the time to explain to Judge Hudson why his ruling cannot be serious. Extra points if she does it by channeling the voice of John McEnroe

I just wish he would use more faux Greek temples to make his announcements. That stuff always struck me as a bit of pseudo-narrative designed to create the impression of the fearless leader, touched by the hands of fate and destiny. It was every bit as real as the buildings and styles of Las Vegas.

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