Category: family

Making the Invisible Visible: Understanding Leadership Contributions of Asian Minorities in the Workplace

This small quiet book on leadership deserves to become visible so that its message of quiet leadership can be absorbed into our business and political organizations worldwide. Who are the invisible leaders? How do we make them visible? Back up for a moment: SHOULD we MAKE them visible, or is our understanding of leadership in […]

2x every single dollar Penn State football made in the last 25 yrs into a trust fund for victims

it is the height of hypocrisy and worship of the almighty football dollar that the NCAA and new regime at Penn State is allowing a football game to be played tomorrow. Disgusting. Can you even listen to their protestations about restorng their reputation? they should forfeit twice every precious dollar they “earned” in the last […]

Reflections on economy, China and education another step in the realization of the Chinese Century. They are in the same economic position the US was at the end of WW2: had all the money, the manufacturing base and the need & capacity to export to war torn countries of Europe. Look at what happened in the 50s and 60s until […]

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