Yes he can The Democratic chairman of the House Veterans Affairs Committee lambasted the Obama administration over its handling of an incident at a St. Louis VA center in which more than 1,800 veterans were told they may have been exposed to HIV. “It’s outrageous, one, that this happens, but even worse is this secretive, […]
Tag: health care
our ass-kickin’ president…
Image via Wikipedia I guess I am glad Spike Lee didn’t suggest that Obama should drop a bomb somewhere to beef up his street cred, yo’ Could Robert Gibbs (D-oofus) be any more clueless about how business runs than to suggest CEOs arent the real power in corporations, in defense of why Obama hasn’t talked […]
Send in the clowns, oops, they are already there
Hilarious bungling. Might as well move the White House to Hollywood where image is everything. Is this any funnier, or more pathetic than the faux Grecian temple BO erected in his own honor back in the primaries? I am eagerly awaiting the spin that shows why this is different than “B-b-b-but Bush’s” foto op on […]