Image by steve louie via Flickr what a buffoon. Did he run out of hookers to chase? Who thought it was a good idea to give him a microphone …so we can listen to his excellent and reasoned judgment credits Clinton with giving us a budget surplus; blames libertarian economics for the current budget disaster […]
Tag: economics
A reflection on Hunt’s “Leadership: A new synthesis” (1996)
Image via Wikipedia remember that Hunt is writing his synthesis in 1996, and he comes from the leadership discipline, not education or cognitive neuroscience. He is good when it comes to synthesizing existing literature, but his excursions into the future of “what-if” are not very convincing. There has been a lot of important work done […]
education, leadership, biodiversity and the limits of reason
Image via Wikipedia at the other end of the time scale from the doctoral programs, i think the right model to use is that of bio-diversity. It’s not “survival of the fittest” in the wild, it is extinction of the unfit & toleration of the “good enough” which promotes a broad gene pool. A broad […]
Haiti and the little red hen
Image by Getty Images via Daylife there are some countries that are complaining about the motives that the impute to the US with respect to the military forces engaged in relief operations in Haiti. Most of those countries are not in a position to provide significant humanitarian relief to the area in that they are […]
Reflection on Thomas Kuhn’s Structure of Scientific Revolutions (part 2)
Thomas Kuhn’s influential book “The Structure of Scientific Revolutions” ignited a firestorm of debate and controversy in 1962 which continues unabated to this very day. Noted as the most widely cited book in the 20th century, Kuhn’s writing has penetrated the public consciousness to shape our collective language and thinking about science, truth and ethics. […]
Management games for deep insight
Peter Checkland’s Soft Systems Methodology (SSM) describes the use of models to help us frame questions to ask of the world, and which help us become explicit about our world views, assumptions, frames of reference, theories of cause and effect, values, and desired outcomes. Checkland, P. (2006) Learning for action: A short definitive account of […]
3 out of 4 isn’t bad, it’s the government!
Here is how modern economics is played. You need to know this so you know how to protect yourself. Picture 4 groups: government, the middle class, the banks, and the speculators. 3 out of 4 groups have acted badly in the housing meltdown. Consider: 1. Speculators bought houses they couldn’t afford to try to make […]
US will soon be unable to rely on the kindness of strangers
The rest of the world will apply the fiscal discipline to us that we can’t develop on our own. eventually people get tired of giving the drunk money, and he either gets clean out of necessity or turns to a life of crime. Higher taxes, or reduced federal benefits and services – or a combination […]
Profitable ETF Trading Strategies: appreciating the power of rehearsals
Rehearals are considered to be one of the highest payoff practices in the military planning process. It’s where units develop and reinforce the patterns of action and decision-making that make all the difference in combat. Rehearsals will improve your trading practice as well, if you understand how to do them well. There are 4 main […]
Profitable ETF Trading Strategies: Respect Volatility, use its power for good
At the most fundamental level, volatility is the fluctuation in the price of an asset. The greter the price swings in the shorter periods of time, the greater the volatility. Periods of great volatility are like thunderstorms. They get your attention. Volatility is an absolute requirement for a trader to make money. Most investors look […]