Category: Planning

May 10, 2011: resumption of the silver trade, and US indices keep marching up the wall of worry

Now that market manipulation shenanigans in silver have subsided, the longer term fundamentals driving prices upward  have begun reassert themselves,  namely excess printing of money by most major economies,  fear of debt defaultsthe U.S deficit, , the political unrest in the Middle East & North Africa, the depreciation of the dollar, accelerating global inflation, the growth […]

Reflections on risk management in organizations

Book review notes from “Surviving and thriving in uncertainty: Creating the risk intelligent enterprise” by Frederick Funston and Steven Wagner. Funston, F., & Wagner, S.  (2010). Surviving and thriving in uncertainty: creating the risk intelligent enterprise. Jphn Wiley & Sons, Hoboken, NJ. I was led to this book during our environmental scanning for higher education. […]

The power of water, and reflections on critical thinking

Image via Wikipedia A testimony to the power of water, in recent Australian floods. Water level in rivers follows the Log-Pearson 3 probability distribution(see attached picture) Tightly clustered around the mean, with little variation, and a limit on how far the left hand tail can go (ie “dry”) The right hand tail though is […]

Reflections on Starobin’s Five Roads to the Future

Paul Starobin’ s biography (from the author), from Related Link: Paul Starobin is a staff correspondent for National Journal and a contributing editor to The Atlantic Monthly. He is author of the new book “After America: Narratives for the Next Global Age,” available in soft cover as “Five Roads to the Future: Power […]

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