Category: Markets

Historical responses to financial meltdowns (buckle up, it will be a bumpy ride)

 Reinhart and Rogoff (2008b), in a recent paper entitled “The Aftermath of Financial Crises.”, demonstrate that banking crises in rich countries and emerging markets have a surprising amount in common. “… Broadly speaking, financial crises are protracted affairs. More often than not, the aftermath of severe financial crises share three characteristics. First, asset market collapses are deep […]

Trading Lesson transcript: the importance of self talk

Trading Lesson: 12/30/2008 Summary: a review of some 5DD and 5DDC setups, and an inquiry into self talk ==========================================================   The Trader: COP has a nice chart today.  Had my eye on it after you put it on your list of 5DD. Got distracted after it went down a 6th day. Should have watched it […]

Madoff: a matter of scale

a nice meta-insight from Lew Rockwell, that puts Madoff in perspective as representative of the direction we were heading as a nation. His opinion:  the difference between Madoff and the government: a matter of scale Madoff’s scheme played into the belief that wealth was not something to work for, but something to scheme for. It […]

The path to mastery, with emotional intelligence

 The studies in the Cambridge Handbook of Expertise and Expert Performance  describe  the path to mastery as: (1) Deliberative Practice  (2) Time spent at Deliberative Practice  (3) Assistance from a mentor.  Deliberative practice can be broken down to: (1) Identifying a long-term outcome  (2) Breaking down the skills that lead to that outcome into its […]

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