Category: Markets

Dog-eat-dog vs cooperation in military acquisition

Image via Wikipedia Some look at acquisition as a purely dog-eat-dog zero sum game. Another perspective coming out of game theory that takes a slightly different approach than the “Always Trust” strategy is documented in a Robert Axelrod‘s “The Evolution of Cooperation” . There are games where the strategy  of “Always Trust” or Don’t Play” […]

10 sigma in the news again

Image via Wikipedia Risks are magnified after a historically volatile event like Thursday. The 11.3% intraday move was a 10 sigma event (if you treat the daily range of SPY as a normal Gaussian distribution). Per the excellent blog at, a 10 sigma event can be expected to occur  in 1x 10^23 days or […]

Obama declares people of Arizona are irresponsible

Image via Wikipedia Obama,  elected by citizens, according to the law,   has declared the citizens and their duly elected representatives, who followed the law to pass a law, as irresponsible. You would expect that from true believers, who see the world in absolutes: the members of this group include children,  the naive, idealists, utopianists, and […]

Information technology: integrating IT into Strategic planning

Image by Chris Pirillo via Flickr Your information technology department MUST be part of your strategic planning process for our value can be created and multiplied2 reasons: 1. they have possibilities and enablers that may suggest new ways that your value can be created,d explanded, multplied, leveraged 2. if they don’t know where you are […]

A reflection on entreprenurial spirit and stability operations, and engagement areas in nation-building

Image via Wikipedia Thoughts while TDY: action learning: a discipline/focus on actionable learning (see Lewin, Schein…) Planning: we seek to understand so that we can act Design: we act, iteratively, on the basis of fundamental principles, in order to learn we live life forwards, but understand it looking backwards we build nations and stabilize societies […]

A reflection on Hunt’s “Leadership: A new synthesis” (1996)

Image via Wikipedia remember that Hunt is writing his synthesis in 1996, and he comes from the leadership discipline, not education or cognitive neuroscience. He is good when it comes to synthesizing existing literature, but his excursions into the future of “what-if” are not very convincing. There has been a lot of important work done […]

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