Category: education

Youth soccer coaching: improving the confidence of your individual players with 1000 touches a day

Image by Getty Images via Daylife There is a tendency in American youth soccer to emphasize winning and losing at all costs and at the earliest ages. This tendency should be combated in order to develop players who have the emotional reselling is to try things out and who have an innate love of the […]

Dog-eat-dog vs cooperation in military acquisition

Image via Wikipedia Some look at acquisition as a purely dog-eat-dog zero sum game. Another perspective coming out of game theory that takes a slightly different approach than the “Always Trust” strategy is documented in a Robert Axelrod‘s “The Evolution of Cooperation” . There are games where the strategy  of “Always Trust” or Don’t Play” […]

10 sigma in the news again

Image via Wikipedia Risks are magnified after a historically volatile event like Thursday. The 11.3% intraday move was a 10 sigma event (if you treat the daily range of SPY as a normal Gaussian distribution). Per the excellent blog at, a 10 sigma event can be expected to occur  in 1x 10^23 days or […]

complexity in the curriculum

Image via Wikipedia The college  in-briefed the new Commander yesterday; From the dialogue emerged his 4 priorities: FYSA.  LD&E executed its orientation briefing to LTG Caslen yesterday, and one slide briefly illustrated the following as the CG’s top four priorities: 1.  Leader Development (sub-bullets below are not all-inclusive) – Develop and implement ILE 2010 – […]

Systems dynamics meets the Afghan war via Powerpoint

It is becoming a common practice to laugh at that slide, but try on this thought experiment: what if someone made a slide of a zoom in on the surface of a semi-conductor chip? Wouldn’t that seem as incomprehensible and “foolish”? and yet by the slow process of developing knowledge we have become capable of extraordinary […]

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