I see liberal commentators like Cenk Uygur applauding the reduction of 280B from the proposed budget, as an end to corporate crony capitalism. As if that’s not going to have an effect on the price of food, which is a disproportionally higher percentage of the budgets for the poor than the rich.
Cut 280B from subsidies, and prices will rise about….280B. That works out to about 3K per person per year in the US. Families currently on the margin will then need assistance to make ends meet. The cost of assistance will be passed on to the middle class, who always pays
The response will naturally be to increase the funding for food stamps, and more firmly connect the people to an all powerful natioanl government that provides for all necessities. Who could trust local and state governments, or betterm families and churches to take care of their tribes. What an odd notion these days
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- Marcus Samuelsson: How Food Politics Can Affect Your Election Choices (huffingtonpost.com)
- The Good News and Bad News about Energy in President Obama’s Budget (insightadvisor.wordpress.com)
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