$2 billion social experiment in central planning fails; it’s after-school for you

English: Fountains at crown center, Kansas Cit...

Image via Wikipedia

Since 1985 Kansas City Mo has spent over $2B on court ordered school “improvements, and now, 26 years later, find themselves rigt back in the same position: losing their accreditation on Sunday. All the students are going to be shipped to other districts. KCMO school system has committed to paying these other districts to do their own job at a level of about $3800 per student, whereas the costs per pupil  are closer to 10K. Nice jjob of you can get it. KCMO administratprs will surely find it much easier ot run their schools wihtout all those pesky kids in the way.

Everyone in town is wringing their hands about how they can’t understand why the city is in such a mess and there isnt a single voice offering a constructive plan yet. Disgraceful.

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