Imagine if this had been a Republican political candidate. What would the list of follow-up questions have included? Why do you classify this as an error? Was it an error of omission or commission? What is the purpose of editing? Why wasn’t it posted that this was an edited call, in the same way that […]
Tag: Sarah Palin
Rick Perry: the male Sarah Palin
Obama is as vulnerable as he can be and Romney and Perry are the best the Republicans can do. 4 more years The economy cant be pinned on Obama and the legislative failure is decades in the making. He will be tarnished but not held responsible. The Republicans will run an ideologue and polarize the […]
Trust the good guys
Image via Wikipedia I think the author is overreacting, Google only wants what’s best for you When Google (and Apple for that matter) tell you that they are not evil, what more evidence do you need? Related articles Is Google Trying To “Sort” Its Users? ( Apple, Microsoft, Google Attacked For Evil Plugins ( Is […]