Tag: Republican

No follow-up questions for NBC?

Imagine if this had been a Republican  political candidate. What would the list of follow-up questions have included? Why do you classify this as an error? Was it an error of omission or commission? What is the purpose of editing? Why wasn’t it posted that this was an edited call, in the same way that […]

Santorum, the American Achmehdinejad, still taking himself seriously

No sense of self,  no sense of decorum.  At least 1 person still takes him seriously, and that person is holding an etch-a-sketch Related articles Did you hear this one from Santorum? (underthelobsterscope.wordpress.com) Michael Falcone reported from Arbutus, Md., and Arlette Saenz reported from Harvey, La. (imageinme.wordpress.com) Everyone Loves a Good Etch A Sketch Meme […]

A cunning plan on immigration reform

destroy the economy and make the nation a less popular destination http://www.washingtonpost.com/world/americas/arrests-of-illegal-migrants-on-us-mexico-border-plummet/2011/12/02/gIQA6Op8PO_story.html A plan that clever calls for a 17 day vacation. the good news is that he wont get involved in any legislation. The downside would be if he takes that opportunity to invent new policies as successful as his first 3 years. i […]

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