Image via Wikipedia Think about how we assign readings and discussion questions. Let me exaggerate (am I?) and say that we: …engineer the amount of reading based on words per minute, and convert that into pages, and then assign “x” number of pages. We select readings that “surround” the answer we want the students to […]
Tag: Religion and Spirituality
Developing leadership in all our young athletes
Like anything involving kids, you want to make sure that you start with the absolute basics and set them up for success. That’s what you would do if you were teaching a new foot skill in soccer, and leadership shouldn’t be any different. Stay focused on the basics of leadership with your kids. Here are […]
Advice to an aspiring young leader
Image via Wikipedia Leadership is not a natural act for most people, or so they think. There are leadership qualities deep down inside each and every one of us, though, that are just waiting for the right circumstances, motivation and opportunity to come to the surface. The hardest way to try to develop your own […]
Mindfulness resources
Image via Wikipedia in class discussion, mindfulness came up. here are some resources i have used for years to work on my own “practice of mindfulness” excellent audio CD on proper breathing: a gateway to mindfulness visualization techniques and meditations i have been using for years Eckhardt Tolle is a recently popular “mindfulness” guru, but […]