Obama’s re-election has been profitable for us in the trading room. Unfortunately, the market is suffering just like the nation, from the election. But you get the government you deserve. The market is taking into account that he has no record of actually being able to accomplish anything except fooling most of the people part […]
Tag: politics
Reflecting on pride…
examine the difference between “the source of pride” and “the need for pride” 2 related but quite different feelings that satisfy different needs? do they arise from different places from within? we can’t choose our feelings but we can work on breaking the automatic linkage between feelings and action through mindful effort we can learn […]
Being young in America means you get to pay
Upholding Obamacare means young people now get to learn what its like to pay for everyone else’s healthcare and not just their Social Security now. Maybe this is why we don’t teach them math skills, so that they dont understand what we are doing to them
There was a ton of press about the horrors of JP Morgan about 2B in losses but here is California misunderestimating their budget shortfalls by 7B in the last 4 minutes California’s budget deficit has swelled to $16 billion after tax collections trailed projections amid the tepid economic recovery, Governor Jerry Brown said in a comment on […]
David walker: truth-teller
Time for the adults to take charge: here is a candid assessment by a guy who is so honest that I am surprised he hasnt had a car accident financial condition is bad and getting worse; last 8 years have been catastrophic need tough budget controls, tax reform, and entitlement reform out of control health […]
Obama locks up the illegal alien vote
The Republicans are so busy barking at the moon that they pay no notice to the Democrats reinforcing their position as the party of the much sought after illegal alien vote This should come as no surprise, as the President has been working hard on this issue for the Amurrican peeple Related articles Pamela Powers […]
Bypassing democracy, the Democrat way
It is typical of the elite to lose faith in the messy processes of democracy and the normal political friction of legislation. Without the intrinsic faith in the people (and the wisdom of crowds) its too easy for them to look for shortcuts. For example, here is Peter Orszag, fresh from the Obama administration recommending […]
Tea baggers confuse leadership with ideological purity
By playing their game of tactical chicken to appease a subset of the republican party, the GOP has already walked away from the best deal they were going to get; There was a chance to get important concessions on major entitlements, but the no new taxes mantra puts us back into gridlock. The deal that’s […]
Bad form in Britain, when it comes to respecting our own legacy
Obama is willing to use Reagan for his own purposes when appealing to the moderate Right, but when the Brits offer a tribute to Reagan on Independence Day (remarkable maturity by the Brits dont you think?!), our ambassador, who’s chief qualification is his effectiveness as a fund-raiser, can’t be found. His absence was both remarkable […]
Racism explains everything ….for racists
Image via Wikipedia How soon will it be before whites are a minority, and will be treated as a single voting block, and be summarized by a “stereotype for marketting purposes only”? What will those characteristics be defined as? and how will the characteristics be explained away as not being representative of individuals, but merely […]