Tag: paradigms

Borrow more to get out of debt: all it lacks is an 800 number and an infomercial

In a sequence of CSPAN broadcasts, Washington insiders expressed their shock—Shock! at the state of the budget disaster in Congress.  Senator Conrad,  has suddenly discovered just how deep the debt hole that Congressional spending, aided and abetted by an unprincipled administration, has put our children in. Because its our children thathave inherited the mess these […]

Historical responses to financial meltdowns (buckle up, it will be a bumpy ride)

 Reinhart and Rogoff (2008b), in a recent paper entitled “The Aftermath of Financial Crises.”, demonstrate that banking crises in rich countries and emerging markets have a surprising amount in common. “… Broadly speaking, financial crises are protracted affairs. More often than not, the aftermath of severe financial crises share three characteristics. First, asset market collapses are deep […]

Trading Lesson transcript: the importance of self talk

Trading Lesson: 12/30/2008 Summary: a review of some 5DD and 5DDC setups, and an inquiry into self talk ==========================================================   The Trader: COP has a nice chart today.  Had my eye on it after you put it on your list of 5DD. Got distracted after it went down a 6th day. Should have watched it […]

A reflection on Action Inquiry in Army change management curriculum review (part 2)

Requirement: 3.A. Individual Learning Memo Assignment (Max 4 pages): write a final memo on what you have learned about action research.  a.      What do you take with you to the next part of your program?  Summarize your takeaways as bullet points on the last pages of your memo. (1 page) b.      Define your contribution to […]

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