Tag: change management

Reflecting on a strategic inflection point at CGSC in Army education

Image via Wikipedia Each year, more than 1500 Majors from the United States Army, Navy, Air Force and Marines,  along with more than 100 specially selected international officers of equivalent rank, are assigned to attend the United States Army Command & General Staff College (CGSC) at Fort Leavenworth Kansas.  In  2010, the vast majority of […]

Building a master Powerpoint file (or image dB) to support wide ranging discussions

Image via Wikipedia a terrific discussion here on the idea of having a 2500 slide Powerpoint master file my reflection: I use this exact technique when teaching Army Change Management and Army Sustainment i have over 500 slides that illustrate certain points, many of which are cleaned up versions of story-boarding explanations i have used to […]

Integrated strategic change and how it differs from traditional strategic planning and traditional planned organization change

Image via Wikipedia Cummings and Worley define the concept of integrated strategic change (ISC) as a comprehensive OD intervention that examines how plan change that can add value to strategic management. The integrative piece looks at a synthesis of business strategies and organizational systems responding together to external and/or internal disruptions. This strategic change plan […]

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