Category: research

Design versus planning: what to do when you don’t know what to do

The scientific method has been responsible for the most extraordinary improvement in mankind’s standard of living. Since the Enlightenment and the Renaissance, it has been responsible for every major advance in human understanding and technology. The scientific method relies on a positivists worldview, which can be said to value certainty, control, objective reality, and planning. […]

Developing emotional intelligence: a challenge for 21st-century education

In many organizations with a strong hierarchical culture, we place a premium on the deep insights and reflective learning of our most senior leaders. In these organizations it makes a lot of sense in conventional times to value their insights above all others. It would be normal in this kind of organization when faced with […]

Structuring “Voice” for academic reseachers

My mentor sent me an intriguing link concerning an evolution in the standards, structure, presentation and style for online articles published in the CELL network of 2000 scientific journals. here are the essential new proposed standards, which would be a great way for us to prepare lesson prep materials for our college . I will […]

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