Category: Military

Dog-eat-dog vs cooperation in military acquisition

Image via Wikipedia Some look at acquisition as a purely dog-eat-dog zero sum game. Another perspective coming out of game theory that takes a slightly different approach than the “Always Trust” strategy is documented in a Robert Axelrod‘s “The Evolution of Cooperation” . There are games where the strategy  of “Always Trust” or Don’t Play” […]

Systems dynamics meets the Afghan war via Powerpoint

It is becoming a common practice to laugh at that slide, but try on this thought experiment: what if someone made a slide of a zoom in on the surface of a semi-conductor chip? Wouldn’t that seem as incomprehensible and “foolish”? and yet by the slow process of developing knowledge we have become capable of extraordinary […]

A reflection on entreprenurial spirit and stability operations, and engagement areas in nation-building

Image via Wikipedia Thoughts while TDY: action learning: a discipline/focus on actionable learning (see Lewin, Schein…) Planning: we seek to understand so that we can act Design: we act, iteratively, on the basis of fundamental principles, in order to learn we live life forwards, but understand it looking backwards we build nations and stabilize societies […]

A reflection on educating Army officers in force management

Image via Wikipedia The college  in-briefed the new Commander yesterday; From the dialogue emerged his 4 priorities 1.  Leader Development (sub-bullets below are not all-inclusive) – Develop and implement ILE 2010 – Identify ILE and captains career course backlog issues related to ARFORGEN 2.  Mission Command Center of Excellence (We emphasized LD&E’s contribution of manpower […]

Preview of Professor Mike Wesch’s symposium on Mediated Culture/Mediated Education

Image via Wikipedia Professor Mike Wesch‘s visit on 5 April 2010 is a really big deal. Here are a few points of interest  for those interested in exploring his work before the symposium on Mediated Culture/Mediated Education He is a profound thinker, and a genuinely nice person. His insights have important implications for our leaders in […]

A reflection on leading and managing a complex Participatory Action Research curriculum project

Image via Wikipedia 1. Introduction The purpose of this paper is to examine my current leadership skills. I will describe and reflect upon a recent curriculum project that I was in charge of at the US Army command and Gen. staff College. I will use a lens of the Bolman and Deal four Frameworks to evaluate […]

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