Category: Markets

Profitable ETF Trading Strategies: Sources of Psychological Pressure for Mechanical Traders

How does a mechanical trading approach adapt to a complex market? When should you adjust your rules as a trader? Is there a place for discretion in mechanical trading?  A lot of professional traders manage the complexity of the human psychological dimension of trading by removing their emotional judgment as much as possible from the […]

Profitable ETF Trading Techniques; 10 qualities of a good Mastermind group

What can a mastermind do for you? Why should  this be part of your trading practice? What are the qualities of a good mastermind?  Trading can be a very lonely profession particularly with online trading through a deep discount broker. At the same time trading places tremendous psychological pressures on you to win or at […]

A thought experiment in leadership and identity

Here is a thought experiment to get your mental juices flowing Who am I? a multi-billion dollar enterprise with a long and distinguished history, filled with notable achievements, and some dismal failures have for held a position of international leadership for decades associated with a core function of any modern nation and economy provides products […]

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