Image via Wikipedia Here is a point I want to make about attribution bias and survivor bias, with respect to leadership theory. Attribution bias is when we assign causation to something incorrectly; Survivorship bias is examining the survivors of an event or an era, to discover what they have in common so as to reverse […]
Category: Markets
Reflections on leadership and risk management
Image via Wikipedia Carol: as you develop experience with working for new and different bosses, you find yourself with a standard strategy of how to size them up and find out what makes them tick so that you can work with them and for them? Do you find yourself spending more or less time with […]
Forked tongue, 2 faces and a ton of debt
Image via Wikipedia Out of one side of his mouth: “When times are tough, you tighten your belts,” Obama said, according to a White House transcript of his appearance Tuesday at a high school in North Nashua, N.H. “You don’t go buying a boat when you can barely pay your mortgage,” Obama said. “You don’t […]
The business of war
Image via Wikipedia A crucial part of force generation is developing, maintaining and supporting industrial base capacity to research, develop, produce and perform life cycle maintenance on crucial equipment. The Defense Business Board just made a series of recommendations on how to approach this issue. Examine the composition of the board and try to predict […]
A note to John Edwards: choke yourself
Image by bunchofpants via Flickr Why is this clown getting any airtime? Why isn’t he getting the Tiger Woods treatment? I bet he is planning on how he can rehabilitate his career, because he believes he owes the country the value of his special leadership. Here is an interview with his hair. Update: now see […]
a war economy as far as the eye can see
Image via Wikipedia I worry about us painting ourselves into a corner. I think we have gone past the tipping point where the military industrial complex lobbyists dominate the political process. What do we make besides war and the tools, supplies, services and movies of war? Related articles by Zemanta Are Progressives Entirely Useless? ( […]
Democratic doubletalk on budgets
Democratic doubletalk on budget shenanigans associated with the health care reform bill. You get the government you deserve. I hate the idea of future generations paying for our short attention span and fascination with reality TV
Reflecting on Kuhn’s “Structure of Scientific Revolutions”
I am enjoying Dr Steven Goldman’s 24 lecture series from the Teaching Company on “Science Wars: What scientists know and how they know it” Lectures 16 thru 22 are directly related to Kuhn, does a great job of summarizing the context and subsequent interpretation of Kuhn’s work. Synopsis: Kuhn was a pro-science scientist, whose work […]
Reflecting on the ancient philosophers and their practice
Hadot’s thesis is that the ancient Greek philosophers understood philosophy to be a love of wisdom, He placed philosophers in a state of conscious striving, between the already realized perfect wisdom of the gods and the masses of unconscious humankind, unaware or unconcerned with arête (excellence). He examined how four schools and two refinements answered […]
Management games for deep insight
Peter Checkland’s Soft Systems Methodology (SSM) describes the use of models to help us frame questions to ask of the world, and which help us become explicit about our world views, assumptions, frames of reference, theories of cause and effect, values, and desired outcomes. Checkland, P. (2006) Learning for action: A short definitive account of […]