Image via Wikipedia Kids end up playing sports for a whole host of reasons. It’s not always the case, in fact it’s rarely the case, that a desire to succeed is the number one reason for their playing. it’s much more likely that they are enrolled in sports on behalf of their parents, or because […]
Category: leadership
Developing discipline in young athletes
Image via Wikipedia A lot of people believe that you have to be harsh and loud to be an effective disciplinarian. The great example of UCLA coach John Wooden however tells us that discipline is much more than volume. It has everything to do with doing the right things in the right way on a […]
Excellent summary of forward thinking Army leaders
Image by Getty Images via @daylife The Best Defense ( May 17, 2010 A General Covers An Army War Game By Lt. Gen. David Barno, U.S. Army (ret.), Best Defense chief Army correspondent The annual “Unified Quest” futures war game held recently at the Army War College in Carlisle, Pennsylvania, was pretty impressive — and […]
Headline survey: the administration in fine form
Image via Wikipedia Democrat leadership (if you can really call Harry Reid a leader) blame the oil spill on greed: you can’t make that up. He makes Nancy Pelosi look like a statesman. Why has she been under wraps? Why isn’t the most powerful woman in american politics more prominently on display? I’d like to […]
Youth soccer coaching: picking a good formation for U11 teams
There are many different opinions about what the best formation is for teams that play in a youth under 11 league. Typically these leagues will feature seven field players and the goalie, and the question is what formation will allow us to achieve our goals? A coach would be well served to sort out his […]
Youth soccer coaching: preparing your halftime speech
Image via Wikipedia It should be the goal of every soccer coach to develop players who take personal responsibility for their play and the play of their team throughout the game. In soccer, however, sometimes it is too easy for the adult coach to become the dominant personality on the side of the field and […]
Youth soccer coaching: improving the confidence of your individual players with 1000 touches a day
Image by Getty Images via Daylife There is a tendency in American youth soccer to emphasize winning and losing at all costs and at the earliest ages. This tendency should be combated in order to develop players who have the emotional reselling is to try things out and who have an innate love of the […]
appreciative intelligence improves youth soccer coaching
Image via Wikipedia Coaches must be concerned with the development of their players both on the field and off the field. In order to build strong young girls who can stand on their own 2 feet in life, we can leverage the insights from the field of positive psychology and specifically appreciative intelligence. Appreciative intelligence […]
Haitian Women’s national soccer team needs help
Image via Wikipedia This is a request for help to me that came from a close, personal friend of mine, Gaspard D’alexis, that I feel compelled to share with you. Gaspard is the coach of the Omega Soccer Club here in Kansas City, and he is a pure and gentle soul, who has answered the […]
Reflections on the draft
Image via Wikipedia The Volunteer Army concept allows our citizens to offload the risk to certain economic classes and remove personal interest in the effects of foreign policy. Intuitively, I’d guess that those who rise to positions of policy making are least likely to have served in the military and lack a visceral connection to […]