Blended monthly rebalancing strategy

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Beginning July 1st I will be shifting the 331, 631 and 333 strategies to a “Blended Monthly Rebalancing” strategy in this space.

As a result of the hard work and backtesting of many mastermind members I am satisfied that we have found a ruleset that offers improved reward:risk, and risk management.

The 3 systems we have been following here have done their job just fine, but by refining the list of ETFs to choose from,  incorporating a blend of the 3 and 6 month lookback period, and adding a  monthly moving average filter to the system I believe we have a significantly improved strategy.

I am writing up the rule set for distribution this weekend and will distribute it and a spreadsheet for implementing it to Gold and Silver members. I will continue to publish the current list of holdings in this space for the variation of the ruleset I will follow

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