Month: July 2009

The future of education in a net-centric world  Surveys of CEOs and futurists alike all agree that the future is calling to us with a need for open systems, open thinking, collaborative organizations, workplaces and attitudes.  Net-centric  democratic education,  public and private movements for social justice, moral and honorable business enterprises,  and cross cultural communications all place a premium on skills, tools, […]

reflecting on the forest past the boundary of post-positivism

Creswell talks about the 4 worldviews that shape the  research goals, objectives, methods, interpretive measures, and sense making of researchers.  I inherited a post-positivist outlook from my formative years working in a machine shop with designers, engineers, craftsmen,  and other shop rats. My years of experience as a planner in the Army helped me appreciate […]

Reflecting on world views and mixed methods designs of research

Image by Wonderlane via Flickr Comparison of Creswell’s continuum of research and Edmondson’s methodological fit chart. 1. Creswell describes a single continuum that connects qualitative and quantitative research at the endpoints with mixed methods in the middle. This model implies that there is a single dimension along which methodology can be arrayed. I don’t think […]

Reflecting on theory and practice, and how research questions connect them; part 2

A continuation of the reflection on theory and practice in our doctoral cohhort discussion. Weick (1995) talked about the continuum from mature, accepted dominant theory to the first conjecture arising out of some anomalous observation. There is a continuum between the generalist inquiring into the purest of theoretical distinctions, and the pragmatist seeking to add […]

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