Image via Wikipedia I sure wish i had said this: #6: Malcolm Gladwell is right, it takes 10,000 hours. I don’t think I ever appreciated what it takes to just stay current and, in hindsight, never comprehended what it takes to become good. I mean really good. Not to be overly dramatic but. . . […]
Tag: United States Defense Department
Reflecting on a strategic inflection point at CGSC in Army education
Image via Wikipedia Each year, more than 1500 Majors from the United States Army, Navy, Air Force and Marines, along with more than 100 specially selected international officers of equivalent rank, are assigned to attend the United States Army Command & General Staff College (CGSC) at Fort Leavenworth Kansas. In 2010, the vast majority of […]
Army budgets and programs under severe environmental (budgetary)pressure
The Army is finally reading the signals from DoD that the budgetary truth has changed. Not only are major programs under review, but our force structure itself is the oibject of scrutiny. We could very easily see a return of a Division based Army once more, organized around major troop installations, acting as a resource […]