There are a lot of reasons to trade large cap stocks and the exchange Traded Funds (ETFs) that track the broad sectors and regions of the world. It’s not without its tradeoffs, but for a lot of new traders it can make a lot of sense. You will have to give up the goal of […]
Tag: trading
Profitable ETF Trading Strategies: Trade like a defensive driver
I was giving my teenage daughter some advice about how to survive on the road. As a newly licensed driver, she was naturally apprehensive, because this is a brave, new world for her. As I heard myself giving her guidance from 35 years of successful driving experience, I was struck by how similar it was […]
Profitable ETF Trading Strategies: Start with the basics
A friend of mine, frustrated at the pace of his progress, asked how he could gain and maintain momentum on his personal journey towards trading mastery. Here are my thoughts: I would start with the daily tasks of trading and get the procedural parts down. At the same time, I would suggest weekly evaluations of […]
Profitable ETF Trading Strategies: 5 ways that trading like a gardener will improve your results”
Gardening is a hobby, a craft and an art when practiced at the highest levels. It helps develops habits of mind and healthy attitudes towards your daily work that can be of great benefit in the high stress world of short term trading. Here are 5 things you can learn from gardening that will help […]
Profitable ETF Trading Strategies: trade like an autobahn driver
Support and resistance levels create congestion zones around certain price levels. In congestion zones, there is no clear indication if the follow-on trend will be either up or down, as bulls and bears are wrestling with each other for control of price. A congestion zone on a chart occurs when price is moving sideways, and […]
Profitable ETF Trading Strategies: Color code price zones to improve decision-making
Intraday trading brings together perspectives from any different time frames into a single arena. Sometimes it is hard to make sense of why buyers and sellers react so strongly at certain price levels and not at others. How can you quickly and easily organize the information from different time frames to shape your trading decisions? […]
Profitable ETF Trading Strategies: developing the daily trading plan
Trading the markets on a daily basis with short term strategies places a premium on efficiently and effectively developing a comprehensive daily trading plan. Short term trading can be a very rewarding part of an overall trading and investment strategy. Without a sound and comprehensive plan, though, there are just too many ways to go astray for […]
Profitable ETF Trading Strategies: Trade like a fisherman
Trading the stock markets in short time frames can be both an exciting and a dangerous endeavor. High speed internet connections, an overabundance of information, often contradictory and always open to subtle interpretation, and the ready availability of systems and gurus to help you make sense of it all conspire to offer the new trader […]
Profitable ETF Trading Strategies: The Stepping Stone technique of trading volatile markets
The market never goes up in a straight line, it seems. Lately, in fact, it has been surging wildly in one direction and then in another, creating whipsaws that have chased many traders away because of their inability to adapt. It is still possible to trade for trends while managing your risk in such a […]
Profitable ETF Trading Strategies: Risk management and re-entry
If risk management is the key to long term survival in a volatile stock market, then re-entry is the key to sanity. Just as there are old mountain climbers and bold mountain climbers, but no old, bold mountain climbers, you can bet that life long traders have mastered the essential first law of trading: don’t […]