Here is a snapshot of one of our bread and butter intraday trading techniques: the “Snapping Turtle” technique which in Coca Cola (symbol: KO) turned in another reliable trade as the market melted up today. Chart 1 reflects the situation at the moment of entry. Our analysis suggested that if price were to move thru […]
Tag: rationality
Profitable ETF Trading techniques: Finding a quality Mastermind Trading Group
Finding a mastermind that’s right for you. In a previous article I described some of the ideal qualities of a Mastermind for traders and the reasons why the social connections and personal support are so important fr the lonely profession of trading. Maintaining emotional balance and energy are so important in this career. How […]
Profitable ETF Trading Techniques; 10 qualities of a good Mastermind group
What can a mastermind do for you? Why should this be part of your trading practice? What are the qualities of a good mastermind? Trading can be a very lonely profession particularly with online trading through a deep discount broker. At the same time trading places tremendous psychological pressures on you to win or at […]
The market is in a Washout pattern here
the entire mkt is in a Washout Pattern (WO) pattern here meaning: there is reason to buy the mechanical entry a nickel above the hi of today there is reason to buy evidence of momentum prior to the mechanical entry in order to front run it, so that u can get a better average price […]
How we read is who we are
There have been some blog discussions expressing concerns about the either/or problem of academic writing vs blog writing, about how the digitial age is driving us from being a Community of Practice towards communities of interest, inhabiting what Mr Carr (below) describes as “The Shallows”. See this important discussion at: Peter Morville offers sobering […]
A Reflection on the gold ETF (GLD)
A friend sent me a report on “problems/concerns with the GLD ETF as structured and asked me to comment. I said: GLD is kind of in the same category of ETNs which are promissory notes of the investment house which is guaranteeing performance of the instrument. There are quite a few of those out there […]
Designing education for uncertainty
Being comfortable with being uncomfortable is turning out to be an essential element of our curriculum. Our officers are routinely being put into situations where their training is not helpful or where it can even be counterproductive. They’ll have to rely on the principles we have educated them on (rather than training) and their own […]
Reflecting on personal learning environments: teacher as model student
At the last CTU residency, on the last day my breakthrough insight was to approach the research question on leader curriculum development at the Command and General Staff College from the perspective of giving voice to the students, who are professional military officers operating at the graduate level and fresh from combat experience in Iraq […]
A Reflection on the political process of defense acquisition
In other places , such as this discussion about acquisition reform, and Dr Paparone’s discussion of The Fallacy of Technical Rationality, we have seen commentary on the nature of the acquisition process. There is a strong case for it being political in nature. In any event, politics plays a large role in creating the process, […] this should be interesting and challenging
Sigh: because i dont have enough on my plate to keep my attention fully engaged. Still, they have some powerful info from one of my heroes, Daniel Kahneman whose intellect spans the whole globe. “To arrive at the edge of the world’s knowledge, seek out the most complex and sophisticated minds, put them […]