Tag: rationality

Profitable ETF Trading Techniques; 10 qualities of a good Mastermind group

What can a mastermind do for you? Why should  this be part of your trading practice? What are the qualities of a good mastermind?  Trading can be a very lonely profession particularly with online trading through a deep discount broker. At the same time trading places tremendous psychological pressures on you to win or at […]

How we read is who we are

  There have been some blog discussions expressing concerns about the either/or problem of academic writing vs blog writing, about how the digitial age is driving us from being a Community of Practice towards communities of interest, inhabiting what Mr Carr (below) describes as “The Shallows”. See this important discussion at: http://usacac.leavenworth.army.mil/BLOG/blogs/llop/archive/2009/03/03/an-appeal-to-cgsg-students-study-your-doctrine.aspx Peter Morville offers sobering […]

Reflecting on personal learning environments: teacher as model student

 At the last CTU residency, on the last day my breakthrough insight was to approach the research question on leader curriculum development at the Command and General Staff College from the perspective of giving voice to the students, who are professional military officers operating at the graduate level and fresh from combat experience in Iraq […]

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