Intraday trading brings together perspectives from any different time frames into a single arena. Sometimes it is hard to make sense of why buyers and sellers react so strongly at certain price levels and not at others. How can you quickly and easily organize the information from different time frames to shape your trading decisions? […]
Tag: rationality
Profitable ETF Trading Strategies: Respect Volatility, use its power for good
At the most fundamental level, volatility is the fluctuation in the price of an asset. The greter the price swings in the shorter periods of time, the greater the volatility. Periods of great volatility are like thunderstorms. They get your attention. Volatility is an absolute requirement for a trader to make money. Most investors look […]
Profitable ETF Trading Strategies: Finding your best mental state for trading
In previous articles I have described my concept of the “zero-state”, and the combination of personal satisfaction and improved bottomline performance I get when I trade from that state. In this article I want to describe some other mental states that traders I know find useful and consider the implications for your own journey of […]
Profitable ETF Trading Strategies: Experiencing the Zero-State
For me, achieving the zero-state is a necessary precondition for trading at my peak. In other essays I have described it as a place where adjective pairs of mental states cancel each other out, leaving only a moment of pure being. It is the space between the words that we know, a moment and a […]
Profitable ETF Trading Strategies: Trading From the Zero-State
One of the most important qualities of the professional trader is the ability to manage your psychological state. Psychology is such an important component of shorter term trading that it can make all the difference between success and failure. In my own trading, the essential state of mind I must be in to trade at […]
Profitable ETF Trading Strategies: How science can improve your trading
Trading by its very nature is filled with uncertainty. Any human endeavor that has such a strong psychological component must be uncertain, until such time as human nature itself undergoes a fundamental change. It is uncertainty which helps make a market for assets. It’s what helps drive the discovery process to uncover the relative value […]
Profitable ETF Trading Strategies: 8 attributes of quality research
There are plenty of snake oil salesmen in the financial advisory business, but there are by far many more conscientious professionals prepared to act as good fiduciaries for you. At the same time there are many people willing to take on full responsibility for the design and implementation of some or all of their own […]
Profitable ETF Trading Strategies: You don’t have to be “right” to make money
What happens when you have placed your trade and you immediately have second thoughts as you watch the market moving against you? It is a normal trading experience to have a position that has moved in your favor a certain distance but has begin to stall before it reached the price that you were expecting […]
Profitable ETF Trading Strategies: Mastermind Meeting Discussion Topics
How can we focus the Mastermind discussion group’s attention? What kinds of topics are worth discussing? How do we keep the group on topic? In previous articles we have seen how to find quality mastermind groups for traders, and how a Mastermind group can improve your trading practice. When the Mastermind comes together in a […]
Profitable ETF Trading Strategies: being a good Mastermind member
We have seen in a couple of other articles the benefits that accrue to members of a good Mastermind trading group, and some ideas on how to find and join a good Mastermind group. Having joined a Mastermind, how should you behave? Most of your behavior should be guided by the principles of being a […]