Tag: political correctness

Political correctness come full circle

There should be a lot of political correctness tap-dancing on this one.  Choose your side and start shaking. Whose race card will trump the other? in the battle between the Native Americans, descendents of slaves held by the Cherokee, self-determination, and the Bureau of Indian Affairs http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/44516027/ns/us_news-life/#.TnCthk_VRSc Related articles Cherokee Nation (coffeenchat.wordpress.com) Why ‘Political Correctness’ […]

PC triumphant!

Image via Wikipedia The report finds that PC inhibited our military’s ability to remove this clown from the force, and yet can’t name the devil itself, What’s changed? Nothing, we actually have reinforced PC behavior in this investigation. The U.S. military‘s just-released report into the Fort Hood shootings spends 86 pages detailing various slipups by […]

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