Tag: policy

Reflections on the draft

Image via Wikipedia The Volunteer Army concept allows our citizens to offload the risk to certain economic classes and remove personal interest in the effects of foreign policy. Intuitively, I’d guess that those who rise to positions of policy making are least likely to have served in the military and lack a visceral connection to […]

Complexity and planning for “endstates”

from a discussion on usefulness or not of the “end-state” concept and planning in general when faced with the challenges of nation building: Complexity theory says that complexity arises from a combination of 4 attributes: moderate to high levels of interdependence, connectedness,  diversity and adaptation. Complex systems do not lend themselves to cause & effect […]

The cost of the military industrial complex

I was reviewing an article by Jim Quinn at the most excellent blog “Seeking Alpha”, wherein he laid a fiscally conservative response to the apparent profligfate spending associated with international adventurism initiated by the neo-cons in the Bush Administration. Jim’s article prompted the following thoughts.  full article at this link The concepts of opportunity cost, […]

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