There is a world of difference, all you need really, in the difference between these 2 statements: the market IS efficient and the market becomes efficient. It’s the difference between a state of being and a state of becoming (a state of action). A market moving towards efficient price levels is a market in motion, […]
Tag: economics
“When you come to a fork in the road, take it” (Y. Berra)
Professor Roubini is the new “it” guy for economists, a pretty interesting character. he says the following, which is full of win. The government finds itself in the position of trying to coax people back into the same behaviors that they were engaged in before, so that all the people who earned their livelihood on supporting […]
Sensible economic policy measures
Summary of Policy Recommendations from Ron Paul and Peter Schiff Raise interest rates to promote saving Invest money into infrastructure Let the banks/brokers fail, don’t prop up zombie banks Stop devaluating the dollar by printing endless amounts of money Don’t approve the $700 billion bailout Return to the gold standard Embrace the recession, as it […]
Reflecting on rewarding failure: markets
2 sets of financial institutions to think about, and the political leadership that’s deciding where to throw our money (1) Some made good loans and have lost no money in the recent meltdown. These are the community banks and credit unions that know their business and make good decisions in all market conditions (2) Some […]
President Henry Paulson: our newest oligarch
Right now the most powerful man in the world is the Sec. of the treasury, Henry Paulson, former CEO of Goldman Sachs. At any given time in Washington, depending on the nature of the current political crisis that has everyone’s attention, one man can be said to be the real president of the United States. […]
Holding auditions for the role of Nero in our latest farce
The verdict is finally in and it is clear that the Socialists have won this round in the battle for our economic future. Despite decades of rhetoric to the contrary, when push came to shove, leaders of both parties revealed their true colors by mortgaging our future and the future of our children for the sake […]
The cost of the military industrial complex
I was reviewing an article by Jim Quinn at the most excellent blog “Seeking Alpha”, wherein he laid a fiscally conservative response to the apparent profligfate spending associated with international adventurism initiated by the neo-cons in the Bush Administration. Jim’s article prompted the following thoughts. full article at this link The concepts of opportunity cost, […]