Erich Fromm is an influential social philosopher and prolific writer, whose life work offers a provocative synthesis of Western capitalism, Marxist humanism and socialist rational planning. He defines two modes of being: “to have” and ” to be”, and examines the characteristics and values of lives led in each mode with respect to materialism, politics, […]
Tag: communication
Reflections on critiquing the writing of others
Giving feedback about the paper is a way to show who you are and how much you care about the author. Suppose, in your opinion, the author has made a glaring error in logic or has not supported the thesis, or mischaracterized an opposing view, and because you are concerned about hurting their feelings, you […]
A reflection on action research “storytelling”
What follows is a 1st person, stream of consciousness reflection written to my mentor & committee chair. I describe what it was like to record a 10 min video “telling the story” of some preliminary findings emerging from my action research cycles into curriculum and adult learning. The video is hosted at YouTube. It […]
Reflecting on the source of qualitative judgement
Profitable ETF Trading techniques: Finding a quality Mastermind Trading Group
Finding a mastermind that’s right for you. In a previous article I described some of the ideal qualities of a Mastermind for traders and the reasons why the social connections and personal support are so important fr the lonely profession of trading. Maintaining emotional balance and energy are so important in this career. How […]
Reflections on Qualitative Research techniques: interviewing
Wow 1: Lofland and Lofland p.37. “…It is precisely the “spy quality” of covert research in closed settings that raises questions about it propriety in social science” It strikes me that even if you take care to protect individuals by withholding their names, your results may end up introducing harm if the organization you are […]
How we read is who we are
There have been some blog discussions expressing concerns about the either/or problem of academic writing vs blog writing, about how the digitial age is driving us from being a Community of Practice towards communities of interest, inhabiting what Mr Carr (below) describes as “The Shallows”. See this important discussion at: Peter Morville offers sobering […] this should be interesting and challenging
Sigh: because i dont have enough on my plate to keep my attention fully engaged. Still, they have some powerful info from one of my heroes, Daniel Kahneman whose intellect spans the whole globe. “To arrive at the edge of the world’s knowledge, seek out the most complex and sophisticated minds, put them […]
Hearing the Voiceless- Part 2
In the ongoing conversation re: Action research into an entreprenurial curriculum for middle school and high school age students, one of our fellow students offered a detailed set of interventions based on the initial readout from the first exploratory meeting, a reported by the “insider”. While the ideas were excellent and interesting, I felt moved to […]
Asking good questions vs :”knowing where you want to go” in participatory action research (PAR)
In the very beginning of a PAR (participatory action research) project, I would draw a distinction between asking good questions and “knowing where you want to go”. Going into the PAR with a preconceived notion of a certain outcome or of a preferred method of proceeding, particularly as a researcher, can lead to advocacy. It may […]