Tag: communication

Reflections on Qualitative Research techniques: interviewing

Wow 1: Lofland and Lofland p.37.  “…It is precisely the “spy quality” of covert research in closed settings that raises questions about it propriety in social science”  It strikes me that even if you take care to protect individuals by withholding their names, your results may end up introducing harm if the organization you are […]

How we read is who we are

  There have been some blog discussions expressing concerns about the either/or problem of academic writing vs blog writing, about how the digitial age is driving us from being a Community of Practice towards communities of interest, inhabiting what Mr Carr (below) describes as “The Shallows”. See this important discussion at: http://usacac.leavenworth.army.mil/BLOG/blogs/llop/archive/2009/03/03/an-appeal-to-cgsg-students-study-your-doctrine.aspx Peter Morville offers sobering […]

Asking good questions vs :”knowing where you want to go” in participatory action research (PAR)

In the very beginning of a PAR (participatory action research) project, I would draw a distinction between asking good questions and “knowing where you want to go”.  Going into the PAR with a preconceived notion of a certain outcome or of a preferred method of proceeding, particularly as a researcher, can lead to advocacy. It may […]

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