Tag: bounded rationality

The face of future warfare or a phenomenon emerging from complexity without attribution?

Here is some underreported insight that supports the theme of “Money as a Weapon System” which should give you a moment of pause.   LiveLeak reports this interview of Rep. Paul Kanjorski. At 2 minutes and 20 seconds in the video below, Kanjorski explains how the Federal Reserve told Congress members about a “tremendous draw-down […]

Reflecting on personal learning environments: teacher as model student

 At the last CTU residency, on the last day my breakthrough insight was to approach the research question on leader curriculum development at the Command and General Staff College from the perspective of giving voice to the students, who are professional military officers operating at the graduate level and fresh from combat experience in Iraq […]

Just what kind of a challenge is military acquisition reform? rhetorical?

We were having a discussion about reforming the military acquisition system around the watercooler today, and the subject came up: what kind of lens should we use to look at the problem? Engineering? Political? Scientific? Metaphorical?   As we circled around the politics of reform I observed: “…If acquisition is a political process (and it should […]

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