We have seen in a couple of other articles the benefits that accrue to members of a good Mastermind trading group, and some ideas on how to find and join a good Mastermind group. Having joined a Mastermind, how should you behave? Most of your behavior should be guided by the principles of being a […]
Tag: bounded rationality
The Snapping Turtle trading technique: a case study
Here is a snapshot of one of our bread and butter intraday trading techniques: the “Snapping Turtle” technique which in Coca Cola (symbol: KO) turned in another reliable trade as the market melted up today. Chart 1 reflects the situation at the moment of entry. Our analysis suggested that if price were to move thru […]
Profitable ETF Trading Techniques; 10 qualities of a good Mastermind group
What can a mastermind do for you? Why should this be part of your trading practice? What are the qualities of a good mastermind? Trading can be a very lonely profession particularly with online trading through a deep discount broker. At the same time trading places tremendous psychological pressures on you to win or at […]
A thought experiment in leadership and identity
Here is a thought experiment to get your mental juices flowing Who am I? a multi-billion dollar enterprise with a long and distinguished history, filled with notable achievements, and some dismal failures have for held a position of international leadership for decades associated with a core function of any modern nation and economy provides products […]
Reflective learning and Self Talk
At our trading workshop this weekend, wr reviewed a numbver of what I consider to be milion dollar ideas: ideaswhich, over the course of a lifetime should produce a net value add greater than a million dollars in trading performance. While we were doing that in the middle of our assembled traders and institutional money […]
Leadership in Complex Adaptive Systems
Team Obama is placing their bets on the idea of Leadership being responsible for results. The latest manifestation of this is in the call for the resignation of the CEO of GM, Rick Wagoner. The proposition is that Obama, from his vantage point of President, USA (CEO, USA?) is in a position to determine that […]
Reflections on Validity in qualitative research
Was working on my final draft for my research proposal and had the following reflection about the issue of Validity in qualitative research. Since I am aiming for transformational changes in our strong military culture, and am using individual Voice (narratives, stories , interviews etc) as the basis for describing the current situation and […]
Force Generation curriculum project update
In one of our top level curriculum review meetings yesterday, our Deputy Commandant mentioned in his concluding remarks that there was a real “buzz” in the Army among the senior leaders concerning “Force Generation”, and he attributed it to the initiative I have been describing here which is holding out a lot of promise for […]
The market is in a Washout pattern here
the entire mkt is in a Washout Pattern (WO) pattern here meaning: there is reason to buy the mechanical entry a nickel above the hi of today there is reason to buy evidence of momentum prior to the mechanical entry in order to front run it, so that u can get a better average price […]
How we read is who we are
There have been some blog discussions expressing concerns about the either/or problem of academic writing vs blog writing, about how the digitial age is driving us from being a Community of Practice towards communities of interest, inhabiting what Mr Carr (below) describes as “The Shallows”. See this important discussion at: http://usacac.leavenworth.army.mil/BLOG/blogs/llop/archive/2009/03/03/an-appeal-to-cgsg-students-study-your-doctrine.aspx Peter Morville offers sobering […]