spent time in class today with the officers discussing how to be prepared fro life after the Army, and why taking a holistic look at your life and career will make you a better officer. We settled in on the idea that 1 of 3 organizing principles tends to dominate the average officer’s thinking about what happens on the day when you salute for the last time in uniform. These are Location, Career, and Family.
In our experience, one of these 3 considerations will dominate the decision about where to live and what to do. For me, the decision was easy: I wanted to raise my children in Kansas and having established our base camp there, I was prepared to work at whatever opportunity I could find locally t
- Image by Gideon Tsang via Flickr
o supplement my retirement income. For others, they may have professional career interests that will dictate where they will settle. For still others, there may be specific family related issues that drive the decision.
These are family decisions that can and should be worked out at least five years before the envisioned retirement decision, in my view, in order for the family to prepare for the transition to life after the military career
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