One of my fellow students posed the following question to me after reviewing some comments I made in the chapter we are co-editting re: socialism and unbridled competition: Ken, Your argument on unbridled competition looks solid, but some may disagree that it is THE cause for disharmony and mutual survival. I not sure if you […]
Category: research
Asking good questions vs :”knowing where you want to go” in participatory action research (PAR)
In the very beginning of a PAR (participatory action research) project, I would draw a distinction between asking good questions and “knowing where you want to go”. Going into the PAR with a preconceived notion of a certain outcome or of a preferred method of proceeding, particularly as a researcher, can lead to advocacy. It may […]
Profitable ETF Trading Strategies: Sector Contrarian
There is a new conventional wisdom beginning to emerge from the stock market these days and it says that there’s no way you can make money in a bear market unless you have the good fortune to be an expert market timer and bet against the recovery of the broad market. While it is true […]
Straddling the fence: the challenge and rewards of the practitioner-scholar
here is a snippet from the author’s preface to the CIA’s Psychology of Intelligence Analysis. It is an excellent free resource from our CIA. He captures for me the essence of the challenge of being the practitioner scholar: being the transmission gearbox between the world of rigorous, focused, research-oriented scholarship and the broad, immediate world […]
End of term pause! yeah!
finished my last paper for the doctorate for this term and have a full 2 weeks off before the next round of torture begins. the good news is that i was really stretched mentally this term, and am really pleased with the progress i am making and the insights i am gathering as part of […]
A reflection on Action Inquiry in Army change management curriculum review (part 2)
Requirement: 3.A. Individual Learning Memo Assignment (Max 4 pages): write a final memo on what you have learned about action research. a. What do you take with you to the next part of your program? Summarize your takeaways as bullet points on the last pages of your memo. (1 page) b. Define your contribution to […]
Efficient markets: Being vs Becoming
There is a world of difference, all you need really, in the difference between these 2 statements: the market IS efficient and the market becomes efficient. It’s the difference between a state of being and a state of becoming (a state of action). A market moving towards efficient price levels is a market in motion, […]
A Reflection on Action Research: Inquiry in an organization with strong culture
As part of this term’s work, my professor asked me to consider what I would put in a chapter or article concerning this term’s action research project. My group has been looking at the change management curriculum development process in an Army college (the Command & General Staff College). In terms of practices and concepts […]
A reflection on Action Research in education (an inquiry in progress)
As part of my doctoral research at Colorado Tech, I am engaged in a prototype Action Research inquiry into our change managemnet curriculum. One of the outcomes of the preliminary rounds of action-feedback-reflection-planning, was the establishment of a blog that would serve multiple purposes in connecting various stakeholder groups and their needs to an emerging […]
A Reflection on 4 epistemologies (ways of knowing :P )
Distinguish among the 4 types of epistemology that Heron and Reason (Chapter 24) suggest. How will your work encourage multiple ways of knowing beyond just “propositional knowledge”? from The SAGE Handbook of Action Research (2d ed) by Reason and Bradbury (2008). London, SAGE Publications,