Category: Planning

Profitable ETF Trading Strategies: measuring your open risk in minutes per trade

The shorter the time frame of your typical trade, the more important that the refinement of your entry becomes. In fact, the more important that the refinement of each segment of trade management becomes, because there is less time available to correct for errors or to overcome sloppiness in execution.  For short-term trading, such as […]

Profitable ETF Trading Strategies: 10 ways to improve your span of control

Understanding your span of control is essential for knowing the maximum number of trading positions you can have open any single time. Sometimes span of control is the limiting factor in the number of open positions. Sometimes it is trading capital available. Sometimes it is your maximum allowable portfolio heat.  Your portfolio heat means how […]

Profitable ETF Trading Strategies: understanding your span of control

The military describes managing current operations as command and control. One of the most important concepts in command and control is the idea of span the control.   Span of control describes how many simultaneous, subordinate operations you can successfully manage at appropriate level of detail given the current situation of uncertainty, stress and pressure. […]

Profitable ETF Trading Strategies: Synchronizing your trading systems into an effective strategy

Achieving integration and synergy is a critical part of the military planning process, which has a direct connection to the task of trading successfully.  Military units achieve integration and synergy in a variety of ways that include phasing, control measures, decision criteria, a synchronization matrix and rehearsals. Each of these can be a great help […]

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