Category: Planning

A reflection on Problem-solving vs Decision-making

I see an important distinction between problem-solving as a method and decision making as a process. I see problem solving as an important component of decision-making but I see this distinction: decision-making seems to be the ultimate act of convergent thinking as a prelude to action. I see problem-solving as an analytical or intuitive process […]

World Class Training: the After Action Review

There are many reasons why the US Army has developed such an excellent reputation as a training organization over the years. Excellent equipment, superb training areas, master trainers in the form of non-commissioned officers who have perfected their expertise in task training under all conditions. Success also comes from the knowledge that Army training may […]

Reflections on TRADOC Pam 525-5-500: Commander’s Appreciation & Campaign Design (CACD)

Research Question: What is the theoretical basis for the US Army’s proposed modification to the Military Decision Making Process (MDMP) and what are the issues of concern for practitioners of the art of military decision making?   Introduction and background: The United States Army’s Military Decision-Making Process stands the test of time as a method […]

Planning for uncertainty and communicating intent

Is there anything in the 5 paragraph field order + annexes that promotes effective visualization in the mind of the reader?

a. it DOES support compartmentalized staff approach to managing a known, familiar type of problem that is well suited for an engineering solution. I can take the order apart, hand out annexes, have staff go to their cubby hole and comeback with the functional response in that lane, and then through the rehearsal & wargaming process check for goodness of fit at functional boundaries. But if I don’t have a well or semi-structured process, this method begins breaking down

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