Category: Markets

Profitable ETF Trading techniques: Understanding the importance of behavioral finance

We know that people pride themselves on their rationality and analytical skills.  This is very evident in traders who invest a lot of psychological energy into their systems and personal discipline. And yet it is also very clear that psychology is extraordinarily evident in financial decisions. Time and again ,psychological pressures will over-rule rational analysis […]

Wisdom vs Instinct

As you will recall, a pair trade is a trade that goes long one side and short the other with the idea of capturing the difference in performance.  Another way to frame my current favorite pair trade is “Wisdom” vs “Emotion”. It is my hypothesis that a species’ evolutionarily successful emotional responses are codified in […]

What makes Buffett great: the ability to take disciplined action at moments of great stress

Trim Tabs reports an extraordinary panic selloff by the masses in September, driven by fear. Banks are collapsing left and right. The public is outraged by their ostrich-like elected leaders in the House and Senate and pressure the Congress into aborting a terribly framed corporate welfare/bailout bill. Market volatility, as measured by Average True range […]

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