Category: Markets

Profitable ETF trading strategies: adapting to chaos

When you find yourself in conditions of chaos,  you discover that your robust systems are beginning to break down.  They no longer perform as designed, simply because the volatility is greater than the system boundaries and feedback mechanisms can account for or moderate. Slack, buffers,  filters and boundaries all work to dampen waves of change. […]

Profitable ETF Trading Strategies: Understanding regional correllation

Based on our market classification scheme, there are 9 market states derived from 3 price momentum measures combined with 3 volatility measures. There is an important phenomenon related to the Bull-Sideways-Bear market states that can give you both insight into current conditions as well as a decisive market edge in risk management.  The edge comes from […]

Short term trading opportunities: the Tortoise mastermind

1.       This year should demonstrate the practical  value of the Tortoise market classification methodology. The ETF2 “Smart Steps” weekly recommendations combined with the ETF evaluation methodology has offered plenty of warning to protect your portfolio against the ravages of this year’s multiple bears. The assorted specialty reports have identified trends in multiple market sectors that […]

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