Volatility is such an important part of any shorter term trader’s trading strategy that it is worth taking a few moments to consider several different ways that it can be measured and understood. Depending on the typical length of time you plan to hold your positions you may find one or the other of these […]
Category: management
Profitable ETF Trading Strategies: Choose your self-talk wisely
The words we use matter. Words have power to shape our outcomes and direct our way through the future. Language is connected to our deepest emotional centers and affects us in profound ways. Steven Pinker makes the point that it is the artifact of language which distinguishes us from other species far more than the […]
Profitable ETF Trading Strategies: You don’t have to be “right” to make money
What happens when you have placed your trade and you immediately have second thoughts as you watch the market moving against you? It is a normal trading experience to have a position that has moved in your favor a certain distance but has begin to stall before it reached the price that you were expecting […]
Profitable ETF Trading Strategies: finding an edge in market classification
One of the most common quests for trading excellence early in a trader’s career is the search for an all purpose, robust trading secret which can be used to guide the trader through all markets, in all time frames, in any conditions, regardless of the instrument being traded, the size of the position, and your […]
Profitable ETF Trading Strategies: being a good Mastermind member
We have seen in a couple of other articles the benefits that accrue to members of a good Mastermind trading group, and some ideas on how to find and join a good Mastermind group. Having joined a Mastermind, how should you behave? Most of your behavior should be guided by the principles of being a […]
A thought experiment in leadership and identity
Here is a thought experiment to get your mental juices flowing Who am I? a multi-billion dollar enterprise with a long and distinguished history, filled with notable achievements, and some dismal failures have for held a position of international leadership for decades associated with a core function of any modern nation and economy provides products […]
Reflective learning and Self Talk
At our trading workshop this weekend, wr reviewed a numbver of what I consider to be milion dollar ideas: ideaswhich, over the course of a lifetime should produce a net value add greater than a million dollars in trading performance. While we were doing that in the middle of our assembled traders and institutional money […]
Geithner, the tax cheat, to select winners and losers
Either geithner was too stoopid to figure out how to pay his taxes, in ehich case he doesnt deserve to be Treasury Secretary and also deciding which businesses will win and lode or he was an intentional tax cheat, in which case he also doesnt deserve to be Treasury Secretary. Sen. Bob Corker (R., Tenn.), […]
Its ironic to see the Democrats huffing and puffing about the incompetence at AIG among the executives who have the nerve to to be honoring contracts to key leders who elected to remain at the company. The Democrats say that such a violation of common sense and the public trust disqualifies the leaders of this […]