had my first design meeting with the programmers and established the timeline to get the game produced by end of march 2010. Looks like it will have a combination of the qualities of Risk and the card game prototype I designed as a proof of principle. I cant wait to play it.
Category: management
Send in the clowns, oops, they are already there
Hilarious bungling. Might as well move the White House to Hollywood where image is everything. Is this any funnier, or more pathetic than the faux Grecian temple BO erected in his own honor back in the primaries? I am eagerly awaiting the spin that shows why this is different than “B-b-b-but Bush’s” foto op on […]
Traders roundtable: the three phases of new system innovation
At a recent traders roundtable discussion, we started to review the procedures and practices that each of us followed for coming up with new ideas to trade the market. While each trader have their own specific routines and follow, there were some aspects of their practice that were in common with each other. Here are […]
Profitable ETF trading strategies: cooperating with the voice of the future
Trading is by its very nature a crapshoot, filled with uncertainty. People find trading so difficult because it rewards the ability to maintain an open mind with respect to performance and uncertainty, whereas our pattern matching brain desires to create order out of chaos no matter what the cost. We like to believe that there […]
Profitable ETF trading strategies: a thought experiment with relative strength
Typically, traders will apply various technical analysis indicators to the behavior of price of an instrument in order to find moments of advantage. Many times these are combined in systems of ever-increasing complexity and apparent sophistication. All of these concepts however are based off of direct behavior of price. That’s not the only way that […]
Design versus planning: what to do when you don’t know what to do
The scientific method has been responsible for the most extraordinary improvement in mankind’s standard of living. Since the Enlightenment and the Renaissance, it has been responsible for every major advance in human understanding and technology. The scientific method relies on a positivists worldview, which can be said to value certainty, control, objective reality, and planning. […]
Structuring “Voice” for academic reseachers
My mentor sent me an intriguing link concerning an evolution in the standards, structure, presentation and style for online articles published in the CELL network of 2000 scientific journals. here are the essential new proposed standards, which would be a great way for us to prepare lesson prep materials for our college . I will […]
Reflecting on world views and mixed methods designs of research
Image by Wonderlane via Flickr Comparison of Creswell’s continuum of research and Edmondson’s methodological fit chart. 1. Creswell describes a single continuum that connects qualitative and quantitative research at the endpoints with mixed methods in the middle. This model implies that there is a single dimension along which methodology can be arrayed. I don’t think […]
Profitable ETF Trading Strategies: trade like Ted Williams hit baseballs
There is general agreement that Ted Williams was the greatest hitter in the entire history of baseball. He brought a science to the practice of hitting, a committment to the informed practice of his craft, a deep understanding of his strengths and weaknesses as a hitter. These combined with his natural physical ability to produce […]
Profitable ETF Trading Strategies: an extended reflection on risk management and mental toughness
A Trader Quality Number idea: if i want to trade AA today, and in the sideways mkt i have been using .1 iStop, maybe today i can use .4 as the iStop for position sizing, and acknowledge i will exit at -.5R or an adverse move of .2 if you are timid about pushing the […]