Category: leadership

Wired magazine on: networks and the future of warfare

In a thoughtful article about technology and modern warfare, Wired magazine traces the birth of network warfare, its promise and its reality, which from their perspective was a near failure in OIF/OEF in the nation building phase because of technology’s inability to engage thesocial networks that are crucial to stability operations. The article contributes to the […]

Blogging for education: A Reflection on Ch 5, TRADOC Pam 525-3-7: The US Army Concept for the Human Dimension

Chapter 5, TRADOC Pam 525-3-7: The US Army Concept for the Human Dimension in FSO addresses The Cognitive Component- Training and Educating Soldiers. Among many insights in the excellent discussion, is the challenge to find creative ways to leverage digital technology in support of educational aims, particularly with a Millenial generation that is adept with […]

A reflection on Action Research in education (an inquiry in progress)

As part of my doctoral research at Colorado Tech, I am engaged in a prototype Action Research inquiry into our change managemnet curriculum. One of the outcomes of the preliminary rounds of action-feedback-reflection-planning, was the establishment of a blog that would serve multiple purposes in connecting various stakeholder groups and their needs to an emerging […]

Terrorism goes all in: welcome to the new world order

a quick review: with a hat tip to Melanie Phillips at Jewish World Review The Mumbai attacks accomplish the following very efficiently: separates Muslims from infidels:  Muslims were spared, infidels were slaughtered indiscriminantly no negotiations or demands: sends the message this is war and we dont care targetted India’s center of western commerce and economic […]

A reflection on Quality vs Validity in Action Research

How is concern for quality different from concern for validity in conventional social science? Conventional science, and by extension, conventional social science ,are concerned with reproducability, validity and objectivity. As such, principles of rigor and falsifiability are important components of any research, which come from a 3d person point of view, where the researcher remains […]

5 Things traders can learn from America’s greatest fighter pilot

COL John Boyd , USAF was a national treasure. One of the most gifted and effective fighter pilots of all time, he went on to revolutionize the way the armed services thought about command, control and combat effectiveness on the modern chaotic battlefield. He was instrumental in reforming the process by which the Department of […]

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