Bush speechwriter insights to the world of strategic policymaking

Republican loyalists will seize on the behind the scenes reporting to indict the young speechwriter for disloyalty.  i say however that Bush asks some good questions about the policies his staff are bringing him to support that clearly violate his guidance.  It indicts the President for not having the right people around him, a responsibility he may not evade, but I thgiunk it reveals that he was savvier than he is given credit for.

He was right about Hillary’s behind, Obama’s naivete, and Palin’s as well, and that McCain is a nut.

The most important indictment, one not addressed, is just how stupid it is to grant unchecked authority to anyone at the highest levels. Paulson comes actross as a loose cannon, out of synch with anything remotely resembling policy. i dont care which party is in office, they ar eno match for a self-regulaitng market

Updated: September 16, 2009 — 7:57 am
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